A review of Abbots Lea Special School by Michael Tim Wraight written on Wednesday 13th of January 2016
I went to Abott's Lea from 1983-1989. It was a boarding school back then and I went there because of my behavioural problem in mainstream junior school.
Mr Quick was the headteacher back then and my memories of him are taking assembly every morning suited and booted and constantly moving side to side and back and forth as he spoke.
I ended up being a permanent boarder including weekend but by the time I turned 11 started attending Gateacre Comprehensive School but also boarding at Abott's Lea. I eventually left when I was 14 to try and live at home again but this didn't work out. I've never been back since I left 27 years ago. Many happy, crazy mad memories of this place
Michael Tim Wraight.
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