A review of Fazakerley Hospital by Graham Williams written on Tuesday 15th of December 2015
My wife called an ambulance for me Sunday approx. 9.20pm, as i started to choke and i was unable to breath, I have been having problems with my throat and recently seen my own GP After a couple of minutes whatever was blocking my airway shifted and allowed me to breath I was so scared to swallow as this my trigger it off again The ambulance crew came at this time to find me breathing but very stressed and I was taken to the ambulance. They explained even though I was breathing they were taking me to the A&E at Fazkerley and i would be looked at
Shortly after arriving I was seen by a triage nurse only to be told the problem was in my larynx and i would be seen by a doctor, but there is up to a 3 hour wait at 10.10pm we sat with at least 20 other people slowly one by one was seen.
Suffering with back problems for 20 years i found it so uncomfortable to sit it the plastic chairs provided along with the worry of my throat problem
The water machine was leaking and myself and others only managed to get one cup before it was turned off by staff.
The drinks vending machines was broken and was the sandwich machine, so anyone being there for a while could not get anything to eat
No member of staff tried to explain why we were waiting so long, they didn’t care
I asked a member of staff was it because it was a Sunday
They said it was, but even through the week you will find yourself waiting for hours before getting seen
At 3.45am myself and approx. 12 others were all asked to go to the next waiting room as we were about to see a doctor
Wasn't that the reason we were all there in the first place? To see a doctor
4am i was finally called through were a lovely mannered doctor examined me
She told me i would have to make an appointment with ENT as they would most probably use an endoscope to see what the problem was
Why wasn’t i asked to stay? until a doctor was available after all I had waited 6 hours
This waiting time is not acceptable by no means and i would like an explanation as to why this was? and not to be told, we had staff problems and it was a Sunday as i have already mentioned a member of the hospital staff told me it is always like this.
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