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"Fazackerly community center"

A review of Fazakerley Community Federation by Alex mcleam written on Sunday 18th of January 2015


This was building was originally built with an ex army hostpital hut about the summer of 1953 by the league of friends under the leadership of alun davies/davis and it was a mini league of nations ie

their where an american named jim driver from alden new york 2 germamans male and female named guntrum garber of hanover and eve maria kiefenhien

A norwiegn plus engish male and female also a few of the local residents

The original overseas and english contingent was bases in the cottage homes

The project was devised to bring the local community together mainly orange and green

one incident that stays in my mind was sitting on the partly built roof with guntrum when sandwiche's where delivered .Guntrum dropped on to the ground

He got down dusted it off and was eating it

I said you shouldn't eat that now to which he replied "alex you will eat a ton of dirt before you die

I just hope that it is still used for the porpuce it was it was built for and not as commercial establishment


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Fazakerley Community Federation

Map showing Fazakerley Community Federation on The Commmunity Centre
