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"Life ay anfiled"

A review of Anfield Junior School by Stan Donaghy written on Saturday 17th of August 2013


I was fortunate to attend Anfield Road Secondary Modern school from 1944 to 1950. Alexander Eaves with a wooden lef was head and Mr Houghton was deputy I was captain of Stubbins house and wore red braids. I played both cricket and football for the school and went on to play amateur footbal for Everon (two years) Liverpool (half a season) Tranmere Rovers two years and finished with New Brighton. All in all it was a marvellous experience with half the staff emergency trained but great. I remember Ma Hasting who had a skull and cross bones ring on the finger and used to imprint it on your forehead when naughty. We had two wonderfukl Welsh teachers both called Jones and a science teacher called Mr R E Search (research which we found quite funny) We had a scary experience when we had to fetch soil from the girls school in a railway baggage cart.It was a total disaster. April was a boy who had female tendencies who we skitted, but she left and became famous. I can expand on the soil expedition if you so require. Incidently I eventuall became a headmaster of a primary afet a long academic struggle..

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Anfield Junior School

Map showing Anfield Junior School on Anfield Road
