A review of Anfield Junior School by Brian Allen. written on Thursday 15th of December 2011
Is Anny rd still going,will have 2 enquire,my last class was 4b Ivor Jones,some pupils,melvyn rusk kieth horn + mcenzie,les green ,norm bennett,dave ireland bri(mousy)cartwright,steve Mckinnell,rip,roddy may(still c him)ray hayhurst,2name but a fewH/masters Mr jones,(many a 6er on the hands an a**e, Mr griffiths juniors,any1 out there that nose me my E/mail is ballen2810@hotmail.co.uk I have a old school mag in the house which we had 2 bring bak aft 50 yrs well past it now and still got it,hope 2 hear,my moby 07598031288.tar B Allen..
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