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"The truth, the truth and nothing but the truth"

A review of Hollyoaks Productions Ltd by Thomas Riddolls written on Tuesday 14th of September 2010


I regret to inform you that this review is not a positive one; it seems to me that you are going around in circles searching for new ideas. In my opinion (even though you may not think my thoughts of your show is a valid one) Hollyoaks will soon be brought of the air for good. The new actors that you have brought in, watching the latest episodes of Hollyoaks appear to be talentless!!!! However I do not blame the young actors at all, who I do blame is the actual script writers and producers. From my personal experience of acting if you are given mundane, boring and perhaps uninspiring lines it is very hard to come out with a positive review from the audience. The script sounds so unnatural that a comparison can be made to a primary school nativity play performance. The lines lack an under-cutting free flowing style to which acting relies upon. The jokes given to the student actors are so badly written that if you were actually not at university, the show might in fact put you off the whole university experience. Your producers and script writers need to pay more attention to shows such as skins and shameless and take humour aspect of shows such as the inbetweeners. I recently watched a play with an actor who you cut off your show Steven Beard, to me shinned with talent given the right lines and not used as some slap stick comedy prop. Hollyoaks has been a great show in the past and at school it was something I could really relate to. Now I think it is time to adapt and refrain from this constant loop of unsuccessfulness. .

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Hollyoaks Productions Ltd

Map showing Hollyoaks Productions Ltd on Childwall Abbey Road
