A review of Hutpine Ltd by Andrew Cummins written on Monday 14th of June 2010
I was offered a job by the JobCentre to work in Hutpine Limited, Sandown Lane, Liverpool, in 2000.
My stay there was very brief, only a week as I recall, as it was one of the most depressing places to work, no place for a young lad. The boss at the time was a fellow called Barry Sineborg, or something like that, reasonable enough chap, but the other people I was associating with at the time were not really my type, which was a major contribution to my quick and discreet exit without a word of warning. When I first started, Barry seemed optimistic this time, that he had found someone finally to be in it for the long hall, me. Well he was in for another nasty shock wasn't he, and he got one I can tell you. No offence intended. .
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