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"Len Kirkpatrick"

A review of The Convent Of Notre Dame by Lesley Reith written on Thursday 15th of August 2024


I was born at Palermo. Four doors along from Derwent Lodge. Len was the chauffeur/gardener and his wife (sorry I forget her name) was the housekeeper. Once or twice he let me feed the chickens.

I remember Mrs Harrison gave them Sundays off and she either walked to Childwall Church - a good stretch. Or her daughter Eleanor Glazebrook would take her.

She used to take her hearing aid out of her ear during the sermon and it used to whistle loudly. Much to everyone’s amusement.

I only went into the lodge when the Haslams owned us as the son was a friend of mine..

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The Convent Of Notre Dame

Map showing The Convent Of Notre Dame on Woolton Road