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"Failure by the club management to intervene when 'Comedian' lost the p"

A review of Crosby Comrades Club by Hammer. written on Saturday 1st of April 2017


What was a good sportsman evening on Friday 31st March 2017, was only ruined, in my opinion, when the management & (Mattie Lyons - organiser) failed to get the offensive comedian (Frank Allen) back on track.

The so called comedian cracked jokes about battered wives and was challenged by a number of female audience members. In stead of apologising and moving swiftly on, he sought to ridicule the paying guests who challenged him. He was foul and inappropriate towards the females. It is shameful that nobody ( Mattie, committee or otherwise sort to address the issue). I was one of about thirty paying guests who got up and left the venue at this time.

I would suggest to anyone thinking of attending such functions in the future to forget same, there's plenty of decent entertainment elsewhere..

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Crosby Comrades Club

Map showing Crosby Comrades Club on Liverpool Road
