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"Want to do laundry? Stay away from these guys"

A review of Discount Appliance Centre by Zania Spapé written on Wednesday 14th of December 2016


So, we bought a washing machine. After a few weeks, it turned out to be leaking. It is, in complete fairness, possible that the leak was developed due to me doing something (underwire from bra coming loose, somesuch). But the thing's within warranty so I call the shop.

They can only come over at 7 am, Saturday morning. Oooookay. Not a morning person, but really not a "flash flood instead of laundry" person either, so up I get. They come at nine, only to inform me that my machine does in fact not leak and I am probably insane and imagined it all (really) -or if not, the plumbing is at fault.

So I call the rental company and a handyman. Both come over and declare that the plumbing is a-ok and the machine is the problem -according to the plumber, "honey, they're having you on" (referring to our friends at Discount Appliances).

So Discount Appliances agrees (after a lot of wrangling and endless phonecalls) to send someone over once more. They come, although on a different day and eight hours later than agreed (I have by now spent a lot more time at home waiting for people who never turn up than I really could afford, and even husband has missed work) and determine that indeed, the machine does leak, although only halfway into the cycle (according to the technician "well their time is valuable, they can't wait until halfway of the cycle" -apparently I can wait for days and days for technicians who never come, not to mention spend my evenings hanging at the laundromat despite supposedly owning a washing machine).

They agree to get a spare part, though I have to pay for it of course, warranty or no. I have now waited for said spare part with technician -of course stuck inhouse as you never know when they do decide to turn up -for more than 48 hours after the agreed time. I eventually lost my temper, called them and told them to keep their spares, and got a different company to fix it. The other company called back within half an hour.

In short, if you value money, clean clothes, or mental health, stay the h*** away from these guys..

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Discount Appliance Centre

Map showing Discount Appliance Centre on Smithdown Road
